You are no longer an absolute beginner and you start feeling comfortable on the social dance floor. You’ve been taking classes for at least 4-6 months. You’re familiar with fundamentals like Lindy circle, Charleston basics, and the swingout. This may be your first Lindy Hop weekend event.
After Lindy hopping for more than 1-2 years, dancing is starting to become a bigger part of your life. You are found on the social dance floor regularly and have likely been to one or more Lindy Hop weekend events. Both slow and medium tempos feel comfortable. A decent amount of figures are familiar to you and you are exploring connection, styling, musicality and rhythm variations. The swing out is no problem for you.
You are starting to develop your own individual style and experimenting with it and with rhythms. The language of rhythm is spoken fluently. You are dancing about four or more years now, so slow and fast tempos are no problem for you, as well as basic improvisation and solo jazz to create personality. No social goes unattended and you have been to many workshops and international Lindy hop festivals.
You have your first jazz steps under your belt. You’ve done a kick ball change and can bluff your way through a shim sham. You want to get a better grasp on solo jazz to compliment your lindy hop.
You are comfortable with the basic authentic jazz steps, such as Shorty George, Suzie-Q, Tackie Annie and Apple Jacks. Classic routines such as the Shim Sham, Mama’s Stew and perhaps the basics of Tranky Doo and the Big Apple are familiar to you. You are starting to improvise and you are eager to push your Solo dancing to the next level.
Some call it the love baby of Balboa and slow jazz, others describe it as a dance on its own. What we do know for sure is that Slow Bal is a very playful and elegant dance that has a lovely relaxed flow to it. Danced with a partner in close connection, it allows for subtle playfulness with rhythms. In this track you’ll be taught the fundamentals plus some vocabulary to get your slow Bal going on the social floor!
Thanks to our friends from SugarSpin Groningen for being an inspiration for our level descriptions <3